Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Solar energy

Energy from the sun is called solar energy. The Sun’s energy comes from nuclear fusion reaction that takes place deep in the sun. The energy from these reactions flow out from the sun and escape into space.Solar energy is sometimes called radiant energy. There are different kinds of radiant energy emitted by sun. The most important are

· Light infrared rays.

· Ultra violet rays, and

· X- Rays.

The beam radiation received from the sun on the earth is reflected in to space, another 15% is absorbed by the earth atmosphere and the rest is absorbed by the earth’s surface. This absorbed radiation consists of light and infrared radiation without which the earth would be barren.

All life on the earth depends on solar energy. Green plants make food by means of photosynthesis. Light is essential from in this process to take place. This light usually comes from sun. Animal get their food from plants or by eating other animals that feed on plants. Plants and animals also need some heat to stay alive. Thus plants are store houses of solar energy. The solar energy that falls on India in one minute is enough to supply the energy needs of our country for one day. Man has made very little use of this enormous amount of solar energy that reaches the earth.

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