Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Solar Radiation measurements


Measuring the sun’s radiation output has a variety of useful purposes: it allows for the development of solar energy devices and permits scientists to predict rates of future global warming on a grander scale.

The measurement of solar radiation is based on a rate of kilowatts per square meter, represented as W/m2. This is the measurement standard for scientific data, designed for generating a direct estimate of solar energy – basically, how much sunlight is hitting a particular part of the Earth at any given time. Measurements taken for the purpose of energy production via solar panels and other photovoltaic equipment may be calculated in kilowatt-hours per square meter, or kWh/m2, designed to represent the amount of energy being generated by that sunlight.

Several different tools can be used to measure kilowatts and kilowatt-hours per square meter.

They are

1. Pyranometer

2. Pyrheliometer

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